Is too much polymeric sand bad?

Achieve a Flawless Paver Surface: Tackling the Issue of Excess Polymeric Sand

At Paver Wash, we understand the frustrations homeowners face when dealing with too much polymeric sand in their paver joints. This common occurrence can lead to hazing on the pavers, compromising the overall look and aesthetics of your hardscape. As the final step before sealing, it’s essential to pay attention to detail and ensure a clean, professional finish. In this blog post, we will provide you with a step-by-step process to address this issue and guide you towards a solution that will transform your paver surface. Our goal is to make the process simple, easily understandable, and empower you to take action. Let’s dive in!

Step 1: Assess the Situation: If you notice an excess of polymeric sand in the joints of your pavers, it’s crucial to address it promptly. This issue can arise in both new installations and existing ones, and it can have a significant impact on the overall appearance of your hardscape. By recognizing the problem, you’ve already taken the first step toward achieving a flawless surface.

Step 2: Choose the Right Approach: For our restorations, we prefer using regular joint sand in most cases. This allows us to achieve the best results. We follow it up with a joint stabilizing sealer, which acts as a glue, binding the sand together and creating a strong, stable surface. This process and combination of products have proven effective in countless restorations.

Step 3: Addressing Existing Installations: If you’re dealing with an existing installation with excessive polymeric sand, there are solutions available. Our expert team can utilize our hot water paver washing method, where we wash the pavers at temperatures exceeding 200°F. This high-temperature process effectively removes haze and restores the beauty of your pavers. Contact us today to schedule your paver restoration and witness the transformative power of our cleaning method.

Step 4: Prevention is Key: Choosing the Right Approach for Lasting ResultsTo prevent the recurrence of excess polymeric sand in the future, it’s crucial to prioritize proper installation. It’s essential to note that polymeric sand may not always be the ideal solution for every project. Determining the right approach for your specific paver project is vital. At Paver Wash, we understand this dilemma, and our knowledgeable team is here to guide you through the available options. We’ll provide expert advice and help you make an informed decision about the best approach for your pavers. Your satisfaction and long-term success are our top priorities. Let us be your trusted partner in creating a durable and visually stunning paver surface.

Step 5: Take Action Today: Don’t let excessive polymeric sand hinder the beauty of your paver surface any longer. Contact us to schedule your paver restoration and witness the remarkable results our expert team can deliver. To get an instant estimate, visit our website and use our convenient cost calculator. We aim to make the process as easy and accessible as possible for homeowners like you.

By addressing the issue of excess polymeric sand, you’re taking a proactive step toward achieving a flawless and visually appealing paver surface. Our team at Paver Wash is dedicated to providing you with top-notch restoration services, using proven methods and products to ensure your satisfaction. Take action today and experience the transformative power of our paver restoration services.

Witness the Paver Transformation: Before and After the Hot Wash Before: The top image reveals a paver surface in need of attention. Excessive sand fills the grout lines, creating a white haze that detracts from the pavers' beauty. However, there's an area where pavers were replaced, showcasing the proper appearance of sand-filled joints. After: Prepare to be amazed by the bottom image, showcasing the incredible results of our hot wash cleaning process. The joints are now clear of excessive sand, allowing the true color of the pavers to shine through. Not only has the enhanced sealer played a role in the rejuvenation, but the removal of excess sand has eliminated hazing as well. Experience the Difference: Clear Joints and Revitalized Pavers – a testament to our expertise and commitment to excellence. Join us on the journey to a flawless paver surface that will leave you in awe.

What kind of joint Sand is Best for my Pavers?

We use premium joint sand to refill paver joints to improve stability and further protect your paver system.

What is Polymeric Sand?

Polymeric sand is a mixture of premium sand and polymeric powder and when activated with water, it hardens and binds to the pavers, strengthening and creating optimal stability throughout your entire paver system.

What is joint sand?

Joint sand is installed in between each paver stone and is a vital part of the interlocking paver system. Paver joint sand provides stability to keep the stones from shifting under pressure, prevents water from seeping underneath your pavers, helps to prevent weed growth and blocks out pests and insects. It is crucial to ensure that joint sand is filled as needed to keep your pavers in place and looking their best.

What is stabilizing sealer?

Stabilizing sealer is a special protective spray that contains the same stabilizing features as polymeric sand, but in a liquid form. When stabilizing paver sealer comes in contact with sand, it hardens and strengthens the pavers joint, just like polymeric sand.

It is always best to further protect your paver joints with a layer of protective sealer to harden the joint sand and bind with the pavers.

Brand New Pavers Installation: Recommend – Polymeric Sand

Polymeric sand is such a great tool and vital resource when it comes to installing new pavers due to its ability to harden and create strong joints.
Once the pavers have been carefully arranged, about 1 1/2” layer of polymeric sand is added in between each stone and activated with water to further solidify and stabilize your paver system. It is crucial that the polymeric sand is installed up to 1/8” below the paver’s chamfer (polymeric sand must never be the same height as the stone itself).

Any loose polymeric sand that remains on the surface should be blown away with the proper equipment such as a leaf blower and activated with water to initiate the solidifying process (“wet setting”). Water will then activate the cement particles and polymers in the polymeric sand which binds each paver stone together and hardens the joints.

This image shows excess joint sand in between paver stones and is often a result from poor application.

Restoration and Maintenance of Existing Pavers: Recommend – Premium Joint Sand

Premium joint sand is the best choice with it comes to refilling and restoring your missing paver joint sand. Compared to polymeric sand, premium joint sand takes less absorption and drying time which makes the restoration process faster and more efficient. Premium joint sand is also more finely milled and is available by the bag. This allow for more control over the amount poured when the joints are being filled.

If you are looking to fill up missing joint sand in between your pavers, then premium joint sand paired with a spray stabilizer sealer will be the best choice.When spraying the sealer on top of your pavers, we deliberately wet the joint areas and allow the special sealer that includes stabilizer polymerics to penetrate the new joint sand. The sealer liquid will penetrate into the sand and when dried, the sand becomes hard and binds to the pavers and preexisting joint sand (if relevant). This process will not work with polymeric sand as the polymeric sand manufacturers recommend at least 1 ½” of thickness which is not always available in most pavers restoration. By using premium joint sand to refill your pavers joints, you can save time and money while making the bond between your old sand and new sand stronger and longer lasting.